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Taylor swift《Mine》吉他谱_G调_中等_吉他和弦谱

原唱:Taylor swift





购买量: 1351



《Mine》是美国歌手泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的一首歌曲,收录于她的第三张录音室专辑《Speak Now》中。这首歌于2010年8月4日由Big Machine Records发行。泰勒·斯威夫特是一位备受瞩目的美国流行乡村歌手和词曲创作人。她以其个人的创作风格和真实的歌词而闻名,常常将自己的个人经历融入到歌曲中。斯威夫特的音乐作品深受年轻人的喜爱,她的歌曲常常探讨爱情、友谊和成长等主题。《Mine》是泰勒·斯威夫特在《Speak Now》专辑中的首支单曲,于2010年8月4日正式发行。这首歌的创作灵感来自于斯威夫特的个人经历,她在歌曲中讲述了一段爱情故事,探讨了爱情的起伏和成长的过程。歌曲以其流行乡村风格和动人的旋律,展现了斯威夫特独特的音乐才华。《Mine》在发行后取得了巨大的成功,登上了多个音乐排行榜的榜首位置。这首歌的歌词和旋律深深触动了听众,让人们对泰勒·斯威夫特的音乐才华和创作能力赞叹不已。《Mine》也成为了斯威夫特职业生涯中的重要里程碑,进一步巩固了她在流行乐坛的地位。总之,《Mine》是泰勒·斯威夫特的一首优秀歌曲,展现了她独特的音乐风格和创作才华。这首歌的成功不仅在音乐上取得了突破,也进一步巩固了斯威夫特在流行乐坛的影响力。

3 解锁曲谱


歌手: Taylor swift

更新日期: 2023-07-05

You were in college working part time waiting tables

Left a small town never looked back

I was the flight risk with the fear of falling

Wondering why we bothered with love if it never lasts

I say can you believe it

As we're lying on the couch

The moment I can see it

Yes! yes! I can see it now

Do you remember we were sitting there by the water

You put your arm around me for the first time

You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter

You are the best thing that's ever been mine

Flash forward and we are taking on the world together

And there is a drawer of my things at your place

You learned my secrets and you figured out why I'm guarded

You say we'll never make my parents' mistakes

But we've got bills to pay

We've got nothing figured out

When it was hard to take Yes! Yes!

This is what I thought about

Do you remember we were sitting there by the water

You put your arm around me for the first time

You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter

You are the best thing that's ever been mine

Do you remember all the city lights on the water

You saw me start to believe for the first time

You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter

You are the best thing that's ever been mine

Woah oh oo

And I remember that fight 2 30 am

Everything was slipping right out of our hands

I ran out crying and you followed me out into the street

Braced myself for the goodbye

cause that's all I've ever known

Then you took me by surprise

You said I'll never leave you alone

You said I remember how we felt sitting by the water

And everytime I look at you it's like the first time

I fell in love with a careless man's careful daughter

She is the best thing that's ever been mine

(hold on) Make it last

(hold on )Never turn back

You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter

You are the best thing that's ever been mine

Do you believe it

We gonna make it now

I can see it

Yeah yeah I can see it now